Assigned Task
4 wheels and 4 matching tires are to be packed as an assembly kit into a film bag. Following injection-molding, the tires are processed in a punch-press operation. This step may damage the tires, which must then be automatically sorted out based on specified inspection parameters.
A vibratory conveyor arranges the wheels into single file from a magazine. An accelerator conveyor then transports the wheels to the counting station. A second stations also arranges the wheels into single file. These are then also transferred to an accelerator conveyor. The parts are inspected inline against specified inspection criteria. This inspection station is illuminated with a special-purpose light source. A line scanning camera then compares the part contour of the tires for defects against the programmed reference contour. Rejected parts are then discarded by a pusher. Accepted parts are transported to the counting station and then packed together as a kit with the wheels. The associated reference output is approx. 3,500 parts/hr. at a part diameter of 45 mm.